Thursday 3 November 2011

3D- Trout and Hand made from Templates

Been creating some more complex shapes this week, using templates as a guideline. The two objects I have created with this technique are a human hand and a trout (a fish).

I probably be using this technique again shortly, hopefully to create the MGREX and SSTArachnid models

Design Sheets- MetalGearREX and StarShipTroopersArachnid

My main project for Ken this year is to create two detailed models of two objects, one organic and the other inorganic. I have chosen Metal Gear Rex from Metal Gear Solid and one of the Arachnid bugs from Starship Troopers. The two images blow are Designs Sheets that I created to help me model them:-

Expect the actual models for these two some time in the future.

3D- Fork and Screwdriver

Been a while since I last posted on this. Might as well get a few posts out of the way. The first one contains some 3D work that I made using splines and lofting. Using these techniques I was able to create a fork and a screwdriver

There was also supposed to be a knife among these as well, but sadly that particular model didn't go as smoothly as these two did and the result was not so much a knife but rather some kind of weird spike on a handle. Hence why it wasn't included

Sunday 9 October 2011

3D- Anvil and Doctor Who's K-9

The third piece of work Ken set me. This one was a two-parter. The first model is of an anvil, and the second, the robot dog, K-9, from BBC's Doctor Who

Have to say, I'm getting better at using 3DS max. Unlike the Toy Robot and the Stegasaur, these two took me no time at all.

Thursday 6 October 2011

3D Work- Toy Robot

The second object Ken asked us to create as part of a weekly task: A toy robot.

This one is definitely one of the more complex objects I've created on 3DS Max so far. The arms and head were both made seperately from the body and attached and the poly count is around 1,206.
I was SUPPOSED to do a sketch of this one before I made it, but sadly I ended focusing more on my other Uni work and by the time I remembered I'd already made most of the robot (Sorry Ken...)
Overall I'm fairly happy with how this one turned out. Apart from the eyes. Those aren't great...
More to come soon

Sunday 2 October 2011

Stegasaur- FINISHED

Just finished making adjustments to the Stegasaur. Here's the final product:-

Basically I made the body more rounded, lowered the neck slightly, altered the tail slightly to make it look more natural and finally changed the general shape of the legs so that they looked more like, well, legs (not blocks, like they did before) All in all, I think it looks alot better.
More to come soon.

Friday 30 September 2011

Practice- Rounding out Shapes

Ken pointed out that my Stegasaur was a little too boxy and asked me to practice making shapes more rounded. The images above show the mesh I practiced on.
I'm going to try improving the Stegasaur later

Sunday 25 September 2011

Futureworks Practice- Stegasaurus

Another simple 3D model made for Futureworks; the Stegasaur.

This one was a bit more challenging. Unlike the diplodocus, I was given no help in creating this and had to work out how to make the plates on it's back myself. However, after some perserverance- and gratitious abuse of the Extrude tool- I succeeded.
Not sure what I'll make next. Maybe a T-Rex...

Saturday 24 September 2011

Futureworks Practice- Diplodocus

Just finished this one; it's a simple 3D model of a Diplodocus (a type of dinosaur)
I was asked to create this as part of a lesson at Futureworks

I'm quite happy with how it turned out, truth be told. The next model will be a challenge though; a Stegasaurus

Practice- The Shrine

This first submission is one of my earliest creations using 3DStudio Max: The Shrine

Nothing too special; just something I made by messing around with the Create Shape and Lighting tools on 3DStudio Max.
More to follow soon