Friday 10 February 2012

3D-More EdgeLoops Practice

I've practicing some more with using EdgeLoops and managed to create another face using 3DSMax. Pretty much been using the same technique as before; set up a template for front and side, started off with a one poly plane and cloned the edges until I'd built half of the face. You can see the result below

Once I had this done, it was a simple case of mirroring the model to fill in the other half of the face. The next two images show the final result

Thankfully, the template I used for this attempt was a bit more realistic than the last one, so the final model turned out a lot better.
We've also been learning to model ears, using a similar method to the face-building. However, in this case, we were given a more detailed step-by-step walkthrough of how to build the object (which I cannot remember for the life of me...)