Sunday 15 April 2012

3D- Further Edge Loops Practice

Ok, I'll admit it; I haven't been updating this damn thing nearly as much as I should have. Ah well, I've got some catching up to do...

Remember the edge loops stuff I included in my last post? Well, this time we have more of that. Below you can see the finished face i was creating (minus the left ear and back of the head). As you can see, it now includes eyes, an ear, a throat and teeth.

Front view

Side View

Eyes (seperate from model)

Teeth (Seperate from model)

Ken has also been teaching us how to use edge loops to build other parts of the human body, including the hands, which you can see below. Sadly, I never got the chance to finish this one, as I had other commitments...


Top view

Ok, that's enough edge loops for now. Next post will be about Bipeds and Skinning!

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