Thursday 19 April 2012

3D- Semester2- Character- Goddess

For our second semester, Ken wanted us to create models for one character and four different assets. the catch was that they all had to come from the prototype video game we were working on for another module
For my character, I chose our game's antagonist, a female, hooded figure who we refered to simply as 'the Goddess'. The idea behind this character was that she was supposed to appear threatening and ominous, but would later be revealed to be benevolent after her mask was removed, showing the beatiful face underneath.
The designsheet for this model can be found below:-

 The Goddess was actually one of the first models that I made during this semester. I began work on it during week 2 and managed to get it into the following state:-

 It was left in that state for a good while, as we didn't actually need it until later and I had other things that i needed to do in the meantime.
Eventually, however, I began working on it again. This time I began using edge loops to create a proper face for the modo to replace the blocky low poly head I had been using up until then. the result can be seen below:-

 This, along with the branches coming out of her shoulders, were the finishing touches to the model. Later on, I also managed to skin and animate the model. Some screencaps of this animation can be found below the model pictures

That's pretty much it for this model. I'll add the final renders soon.

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