Thursday 19 April 2012

3D- Semester 2- Asset 1- Goddess Shrine

This is the first of four assets that Ken asked us to deliver in semester 2. Like the character before it, this object originates from a game prototype we were developing at around the same time.
This is the Goddess Shrine, an altar of worship for the character seen in the previous post. It's purpose in-game is a resting place for the game's MacGuffin, as well as the place where the Goddess herself would make her appearance.
Unlike the other assets, this one underwent a complete redesign. Originally, it was much simpler, looking more like a simple stone tablet with an altar. However, Ken felt this was too simplistic and asked that I either alter the object or choose another (as you can see I opted for the former). The original design and model can be seen below.

The new design featured a statue of the character, a more detailed altar and a small pool. It did more or less retain the colour scheme of its original design, however, though I chose to make it slightly darker. The design sheet and the model can be seen below:-
Design Sheet 
Model w/o texture 
Model w/ Texture
Again, I'll post the final renders later. The next asset will be the Mine cart.

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