Thursday 19 April 2012

3D-Semester2-Asset 3- Mine Entrance

This is the third of four assets that Ken asked us to deliver during our second semester. As with the character from before, these objects originated from a game prototype we were developing  alongside this module.
As with the Mine Cart, the Mine Entrance is a Diorama rather than a single Model, being composed  of a crane, several crates, barrels and signs and, of course, the boarded up mine shaft. This particular diorama was intended to form the end of the second level, with the player literally falling through it to get to the next level.
Not really much to say about the progression of this one; I pretty much just started working on it and moved on once it was finished. It should be noted, however, that many of the smaller models, such as the crates, were smaller assets that I imported in and were not made with this model.
The design sheet and images of the model can be found below:-
 Design Sheet
 Mine Entrance w/o Textures
Mine Entrance w/ Textures
Again, I'll post the final renders later. The last asset is the abandoned Log cabin

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