Thursday 19 April 2012

3D-Semester2-Asset 2- Mine Cart

This is the second of four assets that Ken asked us to deliver in semester 2. Like the character before it, this object originates from a game prototype we were developing at around the same time.
This is the Mine cart, complete  with all the different varieties of track that it would run on. This assets featured heavily in the third level of our game, which was set within a disused mine, though it did make some minor appearances in earlier levels.

I started work on this model at around the same time as the Goddess, so aside from some  minor adjustments and texturing, it was more or less done for some time. the only thing I have to say about this one is that I did make some small changes to the wheels that can be seen in the final model. Unfortunately, i neglected to save a copy of the file from before this change, so there are no images to show this progression. Sorry about that...
The design sheet and images can be seen below:-

Design Sheet
 Greyscale Model
Greyscale Model as Diorama 
 Textured Diorama
Textured Diorama w/ Rust added to texture 
Again, I'll add the final renders later. The next asset will be the Mine Entrance.

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