Thursday 19 April 2012

3D-Semester2-Asset 4-Log Cabin

This is the last of four assets that Ken asked us to deliver for this semester. As with the character before it, this object originates from a game prototype we were developing alongside this module.
The final model is the Log Cabin, a crumbling, snow-covered shack that would appear in the background of the fourth and final level, which was a snowy mountain. Unfortunately, the level itself was cut from the final game due to time constraints, so this model was never actually used. i was, however, able to complete it. This is the design sheet:-

I began the model itself late into the module. Most of it was constructed using cylinders, as can be seen below.
From there, I was able to finish the model fairly quickly. I also modelled a layer of snow on top of the cabin's roof, as I found that using texturing to simulate this did not produce the desired effect ( due to the ridges in the roof). I have to say, this was personally my favorite model out of the four, mainly due to how much better it looks compared to the others
Cabin w/o Texture
Cabin w/ Texture 
Cabin w/ Texture & Snow added
Once again, I'll add the final renders for this and all the other models later, including Metal Gear Rex and the Starship Troopers Ararchnid. May also include some kind of evaluation; dunno yet, depends what Ken wants from us...

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