Friday 20 April 2012

Final Hand-In- RENDERS

As promised, here are the final render sheets for all of my main deliverables for Ken this year. This includes updated versions of the organic and inorganic models, along with their alternate textures. Look at my previous posts if you want to see the work in progress. So, yeah... here they all are. Enjoy!
Semester 1- Inorganic- Metal Gear Rex

 Semester 1- Inorganic- Metal Gear Rex (Damaged ver.)
Semester 1- Organic- Starship Trooper Arachnid
 Semester 1- Organic- Starship Troopers Arachnid (Alt Skin)
 Semester 2- Character- Goddess
Semester 2- Asset 1- Goddess Shrine
Semester 2- Asset 2- Mine Cart & Tracks
Semester 2- Asset 3- Mine Entrance
 Semester 2- Asset 4- Log Cabin

And that about wraps it up. Overall, I'd say I've done pretty well this year. I've definitely learned a lot (especially considering that I knew nothing about 3d Modelling before then) so I can't complain there. I will admit that I haven't updated this blog NEARLY as much as I should have though; I usually had something else I had to do and when I did find time I would usually forget all about it. Otherwise, this year's gone pretty smoothly, so.... yeah, that pretty much brings this thing to a close.
This is Sean Gannon, signing out...

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